Lipton logo



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Is Lipton Ethical?

Lipton is jointly owned by PepsiCo and Unilever.

PepsiCo logo



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PepsiCo is an American food and beverage conglomerate which is one of the biggest plastic polluters worldwide [1], has contributed to water shortages in drought-affected areas [2], and been complicit in illegal rainforest destruction [3]. The company has aimed to reduce its environmental impact, achieving positive water balance in India [4].

Unilever logo



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Unilever is a British food and beverage and consumer products conglomerate that has been named by Ukraine as a sponsor of war [1], continued selling Ben & Jerry's in Israeli settlements depite the brands's intent to withdraw [2], hired security that assaulted peaceful protestors [3], aggressively pushed skin lightening products [4], engaged in price fixing [5], opposed legislation against single-use plastic [6], caused deforestation [7] and sourced palm oil from a supplier that used child labour [8].

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