We are building a community-curated, transparent, freely accessible collection of corporate ethics records. By documenting ethical and unethical business practices, we aim to inform consumer choice, raise the cost of harmful business decisions, and incentivise companies to act responsibly in the public interest.
All of our services and data are offered free to the public under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.
🔎 search companies
fast food
run a bank statement against our database to see how ethical the purchases you have made are. your files stay on your own device with complete privacy.
We rank companies on a scale from 0 👺 to 100 🥰, based on their positive and negative actions, with 50 😐 being a neutral score. If you disagree with a company score, please submit an updated record for it!
You can download our companies dataset from our github repo or by clicking the button below. This is free for use under the gpl v3 licence and we would love to hear about what you do with it!
if you would like to work with us or have any other enquiries please reach out!